ISBN: 978-0-6482243-1-0
This 8-book set contains the first eight books of Suzie the Scientist home reader series. Spanning PM reading levels 1-8 and Fountas & Pinnell levels A-E this 8-book set addresses learning outcomes from the Australian Curriculum: Science across the Foundation Year. The title and summary of each book can be found below.
Book 1: Living Things
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-0-4
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about living things and non-living things. We see examples of living things (such as birds and plants) and examples of things that are not living (like balls and cars). Suzie also helps us work out the difference between living and non-living things.
This book addresses the learning outcome “Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things” from the Biological Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Book 2: Objects and Materials
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-1-1
In this book Suzie the scientist helps us learn about objects and materials. We see examples of different materials being used for different objects. Suzie also helps us understand how the properties of materials determine their use.
This book addresses the learning outcome “Objects are made of materials that have observable properties” from the Chemical Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Book 3: Changes in the Sky
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-2-8
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about how changes in the sky can lead to changes in the weather. Sometimes the sky is blue and we have a nice warm sunny day. Sometimes the sky is grey and it is rainy. We learn that changes in the weather can affect how we play.
This book addresses the learning outcome “Daily and seasonal changes in our environment affect everyday life” from the Earth and Space Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Book 4: Things that Move
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-3-5
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about how things move. Some things are easy to move by pushing or pulling. We can even throw some things in the air easily. But others things are hard to push, pull or throw. Suzie shows us that that being able to move things depends on their size, shape and weight. She also shows us how to move things that are heavy.
This book addresses the learning outcome “The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape” from the Physical Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Book 5: Plants
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-4-2
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about plants. We see lots of different examples of plants and learn about the different parts of a plant, including the parts we like to eat. Suzie also shows us the four things plants need to grow and change.
This book addresses the learning outcome “Living things have basic needs, including food and water” from the Biological Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science
Book 6: Whacky Materials
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-5-9
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about different materials and the uses we have for them. We learn that using certain materials for certain objects is not a good choice (for example, using paper for raincoats or glass for hammers). Suzie also teaches us how the use of a material is dictated by its properties.
This book addresses the learning outcome “Objects are made of materials that have observable properties” from the Chemical Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Book 7: Seasons
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-6-6
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about seasons. We find out how changes in the seasons affect us. Suzie also helps us learn how different parts of earth have different seasons.
This book addresses the learning outcome “Daily and seasonal changes in the environment affect our everyday lives” from the Earth and Space Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
Book 8: Things that Float and Sink
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-7-3
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about the differences between things that float and sink. We learn that irrespective of size and weight some things will float and some things will sink. Suzie also helps us make predictions about common objects and events and reports the results in a data table.
This book addresses several learning outcomes from the Science Inquiry Skills and Science Understanding strands using the Physical Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science as the context.